Below is a "listing" of our service subjects.
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Access other - Calendar Years


January 2009

01/04/09 - New Walk / New Goal

01/11/09 - Which seed are you?

01/18/09 - The Temple - Rebuilt

01/25/09 - Pray, Fast, Study

February 2009

02/01/09 - Hope

02/08/09 - Obedience, A year in review

02/15/09 - Is Christ calling you?

02/22/09 - Dedicated Service / Spiritual Gifts

March 2009

03/01/09 - The Garden of Gethsemane

03/08/09 - The Watchman's Duty

03/15/09 - Examine Yourself

03/22/09 - What would you do?

April 2009

04/05/09 - Resurrection

04/12/09 - Closer Walk

04/18/09 - Why we should attend church

04/26/09 - Strength

May 2009

05/03/09 - Cleaning House

05/09/09 - Family

05/10/09 - Mother's Day

05/13/09 - Forgiveness

05/17/09 - Can't or Won't

05/20/09 - Patience (endurance)

05/24/09 - Victory

05/30/09 - Paul

June 2009

06/03/09 - Honor

06/10/09 - Prayer

06/14/09 - Inspiring words from Paul

06/17/09 - Grateful

06/21/09 - Father's Day

06/24/09 - Lies, Lying, Deceit

06/28/09 - Sacrifices

July 2009

07/01/09 - Believers Rest

07/05/09 - Once in Grace/Once Saved

07/08/09 - Discernment

07/15/09 - Judgment

07/19/09 - Compassion

07/22/09 - Testimony

07/26/09 - Family

07/29/09 - Sacrifice

August 2009

08/05/09 - Mercy

08/09/09 - Refiner's Fire

08/16/09 - Trust

08/19/09 - Comfort

08/23/09 - Change

08/30/09 - The weak and the strong

September 2009

09/02/09 - Pain and suffering

09/06/09 - Humble Yourself

09/09/09 - Prayer -- Ask, Worship

09/13/09 - The Enemy

09/16/09 - Confusion

09/20/09 - Courage

09/23/09 - Excuses

09/27/09 - Servant Hearted

09/30/09 - Treasure

October 2009

10/04/09 - Peace

10/07/09 - How Long

10/11/09 - A Round Tuit

10/14/09 - Joyful Noise

10/18/09 - Defiling the Temple

10/21/09 - The Holy Spirit

10/28/09 - Baptism

November 2009

11/01/09 - Be an Example

11/04/09 - Respect

11/08/09 - ??

11/11/09 - Cordiality

11/15/09 - ??

11/18/09 - Just keep swimming (persevere)

11/22/09 - ??

11/25/09 - Thankfulness

11/29/09 - ??

December 2009

12/02/09 - Glorifying God

12/06/09 - Control

12/09/09 - Surrender

12/13/09 - Memorizing Scripture

12/16/09 - What's the hurry?

12/20/09 - Quietness

12/27/09 - Giving Spirit

12/30/09 - A year in review