Below is a "listing" of our service subjects.
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Access other - Calendar Years



January 2012

01/01/12 - a NEW year

01/04/12 - A Hard Road before Them

01/08/12 - Words Reveal Character

01/11/12 - Do unto others

01/15/12 - The desire for signs

01/18/12 - The Miracle of the Loaves and the Fishes

01/22/12 - Who you are NOT

01/25/12 - Redeemed

01/29/12 - Heart's Desires

February 2012

02/01/12 - Listening

02/05/12 - Take your Time

02/08/12 - Irritation, Frustration, and Anger

02/12/12 - One Day at a Time

02/15/12 - Famine

02/19/12 - Take Better Care

02/22/12 - Prayer Team

02/26/12 - The Law

02/29/12 - Attitude of Gratitude

March 2012

03/04/12 - Resentment

03/07/12 - Reverse Message - JOB

03/11/12 - Beatitudes from the Begats

03/14/12 - Failure

03/18/12 - Discouragement or Encouragement ?

03/21/12 - Let not your good be evil spoken of

03/25/12 - Unexpected Opportunities

03/28/12 - Glorifying God

April 2012

04/01/12 - Triumphal Entry

04/04/12 - Forgive them Father

04/08/12 - Victory on a Triumphant Morning

04/11/12 - Conflict

04/15/12 - Perception

04/18/12 - 'Eating Crow'

04/22/12 - Prayer and Meditation

04/25/12 - 'FREE'dom

04/29/12 - Righteous Indignation

May 2012

05/02/12 - Profanity

05/06/12 - I'm sorry

05/08/12 - SELF WILL

05/13/12 - Serenity

05/16/12 - Dilemma

05/20/12 - Kindness

05/23/12 - Good Orderly Direction

05/27/12 - Positive Influence

05/30/12 - Gambling

June 2012

06/03/12 - Acceptance and Detaching with Love

06/06/12 - Proper Dress

06/10/12 - Mistakes

06/13/12 - Sick and Tired

06/17/12 - Happiness

06/20/12 - Attention

06/24/12 - Change

06/27/12 - Responsibilities

July 2012

07/01/12 - Fresh Start

07/04/12 - In God We Trust

07/07/12 - Brenda Blankenship & Danny Dudas Wedding

07/08/12 - Suffering for doing what is right

07/11/12 - Try

07/15/12 - Failures

07/18/12 - Delights

07/22/12 - Reaching Out

07/25/12 - Drawing the Line

07/29/12 - Miracles

August 2012

08/01/12 - Egypt

08/05/12 - Works

08/08/12 - Accountability

08/12/12 - 'Bottom'

08/15/12 - Choices

08/19/12 - Promises

08/22/12 - Today

08/26/12 - Your Sin

08/29/12 - Is there evidence that God answers prayer?

September 2012

09/02/12 - Be Ye NOT Anxious

09/05/12 - God as YOU understand Him

09/09/12 - Deception

09/12/12 - NO SERVICE

09/16/12 - Stunting your growth

09/19/12 - Murmuring and Complaining

09/23/12 - Fear

09/26/12 - Seek ye me

09/30/12 - Defeated

October 2012

10/03/12 - A Round Tuit

10/07/12 - Think not more highly

10/10/12 - Joshua

10/14/12 - Hard Lesson

10/17/12 - Overcoming sin

10/21/12 - Tired of talking

10/24/12 - The Vine

10/28/12 - Give us this day

10/31/12 - Church promoting - No Message

November 2012

11/04/12 - A Servant's Heart

11/07/12 - Praise you in the storm

11/11/12 - Listen and Obey

11/14/12 - Conflict (Part 1)

11/18/12 - Conflict (Part 2)

11/21/12 - Thank you God

11/25/12 - Perception and Understanding

11/28/12 - The Reality of Hell

December 2012

12/02/12 - The Answers

12/05/12 - Give me Your eyes

12/09/12 - Healing Touch

12/12/12 - Christian Attitude

12/16/12 - Give it Away

12/19/12 - The Mayan Prophecy

12/23/12 - I need a Savior

12/26/12 - Snow Service

12/30/12 - A Year in Review 2012